T3 Foundation Inc. is the Socio-Civic Arm of Elektro Werk, Inc. (EWI). The Foundation was established and registered with the SEC on 18 December 2019 in honor of Mr. Tan Tiak Tin (T3) by his children. Prior to its establishment, however, the Tan family’s heart to help has been in place through the yearly financial rewards and awards to student-dependents of the employees of EWI and its affiliate companies, relief goods for poor families and support to Christian missionaries and pastors by as early as 2011.
The formal set-up of the Foundation in 2019, however, has been modified to implement only three programs: (1) School Awards, (2) Financial Aid, and (3) Capacity Building and Skills Development. Of these three, only the School Awards program has been implemented starting in 2021 through the utilization of the Foundation’s seed money as there were no actual operations from 2019 to 2020.
The Foundation is governed by members of one family, except for the Treasurer who is not related with the Tan’s family although with the same surname. The Tan family is the owner of EWI and its Group of Companies engaged in the marketing and sale of hardware, electrical and machinery products.
Young as it is, T3 hopes to get the PCNC accreditation so EWI can donate to the Foundation tax-free and start all the programs rolling.